finding balance through conscious living

6 Reasons To stock Up On Apple Cider Vinegar

Harvest time, apples. Organic fresh apples in basket. Fresh apples in nature.  Apples in wicker basket on wooden table, closeup .Red, green and yellow apples with leaves in the basket.

Apple cider vinegar, or ACV for short, is an inexpensive cure-all. Quality ACV sells for as little as $12 and is well worth the investment. To date, apple cider vinegar has saved me from needlessly spending money at the vet’s office (not to say that I don’t love my vet!), cleaned nearly every square inch of my house and (this is a little gross) removed a wart that I had unsuccessfully frozen off three times over a two year time span. That little sucker was gone within a week!

But not all ACV is created equal. When you go shopping for apple cider vinegar make sure to purchase raw, unpasteurized ACV with “the mother.” Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains these strands of proteins, enzymes and gut friendly bacteria that give ACV a murky, cobweb-like appearance.

Here are just a few of the ways this all-natural cure-all works towards making you healthier:

Gives A Boost Of Energy

Apple cider vinegar contains potassium and enzymes that combat the lactic buildup that sticks around after stressful situations and makes you feel tired. Drink 1-2 teaspoons with water.

Controls Blood Sugar

Apple cider vinegar has an anti-glycemic effect that helps maintain healthy sugar levels in your blood. Take AVC with water 2-4 times a day.

Lowers Cholesterol

Studies suggest that apple cider vinegar can decrease LDL (or bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (or good cholesterol).

Detoxes The Liver

ACV helps stimulate cardiovascular circulation and detoxifies the liver.

Settles The Stomach

ACV has a high pectin content, which forms a protective coat in the gut that soothes the colon lining and relaxes intestinal spasms. Drink 1-2 teaspoons with water.

Sooths Sore Throats

Most germs can’t survive in the acidic environment vinegar creates so the next time your throat starts to feel bad gargle equal parks warm water and ACV.

Who knew you could reap so many healthful benefits from such an inexpensive product? My recommendation to you is to stock up on this powerful cure-all ASAP!

Recommended: Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar

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