finding balance through conscious living


Diatomaceous Earth For Dogs: Natural Parasite Prevention And Treatment

Diatomaceous Earth For Dogs: Natural Parasite Prevention And Treatment

There are a lot of myths, misconceptions and falsities floating around out there about diatomaceous earth for dogs. Mention diatomaceous earth (DE) in an online discussion and there’s sure to be an uproar. People take one of two sides when it comes to DE. In…

101 Ways to Save Money on Raw Feeding

101 Ways to Save Money on Raw Feeding

I know you’ll agree with me when I say that saving money on raw feeding is a must! We don’t want to waste money on raw food any more than we want to flush it down the toilet. The problem is that you can easily…

Are 3D And 4D Meats Safe To Feed Your Raw Fed Dog?

Are 3D And 4D Meats Safe To Feed Your Raw Fed Dog?

Meat quality is an important part of a raw diet, so it’s easy to understand why raw feeders avoid 3D and 4D meats. What does 3D and 4D meat mean? Diseased Dying Down (because of a broken leg, sickness, or refusal to stand) Dead Animals…

Healing Anal Gland Issues With A Raw Diet

Healing Anal Gland Issues With A Raw Diet

Anal glands are little sacs that sit right inside of dogs’ rectums and are designed to secrete a substance that contains pheromones. These pheromones are chemical messengers that help identify “who’s who” in the pack. Dogs have existed in harmony with their anal glands for…